A Note from Fr. Charlie
On the Paulist Fathers’ 50 Anniversary in Knoxville and our Re-commitment here at IC
My dear friends,
We were blessed to have returning Paulists - Frs.’ Jerry, Joe and Ron back as homilists preaching at Sunday Masses this past weekend.
And what a weekend to celebrate! LAETARE SUNDAY! REJOICE! In the midst of fasting, penance, sacrifice, we interrupt our fasting to REJOICE in the graciousness of God. And so we dress in rose and pink, we celebrate the Love of God that surpasses all understanding.
These past few weeks have been of great concern for all us Paulists and for all of our parishes, communities, and ministries. We promulgated the letter from Father Rene, and as the letter asked for prayers, we prayed. Even our Apostolic Administrator, Archbishop Fabre, wrote Fr. Rene a letter in hopeful support for the Paulist continued ministry in Knoxville. Please remember the good folks at some ministries we are withdrawing from in your prayers.
I know you rejoice with me in not only us staying - but also recommitting to our mission here - to and with you - the parishioners of IC, who for decades have been the hands and feet of Jesus in so many ways for so many people:
It continues to be a true honor and privilege for all the Paulists who have served here in Knoxville to partner and witness your compassion, kindness and outreach.
Please know though that there are some changes:
1. No Paulist Father is leaving IC, the team of Fr. Charlie, Fr. Tim, and Fr. Jim remains intact here at IC.
2. Fr. Tim, who is of retirement age, will join Fr. Jim in the category "Senior Ministry Status." This is a category of Paulists who have the right to retire, but want to live out their priesthood in such a way as they continue in ministry as long as they wish and are able.
3. Immaculate Conception Parish will have one full time Pastor priest. Fr. Charlie is currently in that role and there are no plans for that to change. We are blessed to have both Frs. Jim and Tim remain and work with us all. If in the future Fr. Tim or Fr. Jim decide to leave, they will not be replaced unless we can convince another Paulist 'senior ministry status' priest to join us here. I encourage everyone to show Frs. Jim and Tim appreciation, fraternal love, and gratitude for their willingness to continue to serve our community and the Diocese of Knoxville at IC.
We can be comforted by the text of our second reading last weekend:
For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them.
We live in our world at a time like many others, a time of peril. There are wars and rumors of wars… Christ tells us in Matthew 5:14: “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden….”
We are part of the light of the world. This Church on Summit Hill’s top cannot be hidden… and we rejoice in the challenge and blessing.
We have challenges ahead that require our attention and resources: in this building, our bell and clock tower, and yes, our parking options and future. And we will get through these challenges with the help of God and the works of our hands and creative minds, with prayer and good will.
As Saint Peter said to Jesus on another hilltop: ‘Oh Lord, it is good for us to be here…”
March 15, 2024
For the 50th Anniversary (of Paulist Ministry in Knoxville) Party, Mark Reda recorded brief interviews with some of our parishioners, who shared how the Paulist ministry has impacted them.